60年前的老孔雀椅 ,路力重新詮釋,保留經典,老椅新生。
2017IFDA 旭川國際家具競賽入選肯定。
Hirundo - a wonderful experience with a chair
Inspired by the folk craft of Taiwan and designed with modern language.
Unveil the old peacock chair from the 40's. Redesign, retain and reborn. Awarded with shortlisted at 2017 International Furniture Design Award (IFDA).
Inherit the fusion characters with Taiwanese, Japanese and European from the old chair, Hirundo Chair fits well in all styles of places. With the minimalist design on the back, it presents an open view making it elegantly light and slim.
燕椅,有著優雅、輕盈的線條。 柔軟的S型後腳,軟化了方正堅硬的居家氣氛,為空間增添視覺上的律動,展現出柔和卻不失實木溫潤的力量。
Light as a Hirundo, elegantly fly to your home
Crafted with slim and curved lines, the S shaped legs soften the atmosphere in a space, tenderly showing both the power and warmth from the wood. We use traditional joints with modern techniques to make Hirundo lighter and durable.
The amended proportion and sizes make it more comfortable to sit at any position and provide a better support on the back. It is designed to be stackable with 4 chairs for storage. With harmonious and relaxed
characters, the appealingly designed Hirundo can be pleasantly stay around anywhere at the entrance, living room or dinning room.
Crafted with curve of fluency and serenity
Every piece of Hirundo chair is carefully handcrafted to present its beautiful line sliding from the top of backrest to the ridge line on each side and down to the curved surface on the back legs. Hirundo is not only a chair but also gives you a pleasure sense of tactility that is accomplished by hand.
木種選擇 Choice of Wood