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Y系列極輕矮凳,是Y Series 曲木系列的延伸。由三件楓木曲木組成的Y式樣大方呈現於椅面,僅三支落地椅腳的大膽設計,對於矮凳的結構是一大挑戰。在最後的成品所看不到的內部結構是一次又一次的修改,並經由一比一的試做,使得保有簡潔輕巧的外觀。此矮凳系列包含迷你凳、經典款與吧台凳。

​Y series super light stool. Through numerous prototypes of testing and challenging, we made Y2 not only beautiful but also sturdy with minimalist design. The classical Y shape encased in the seat is crafted with 3 parts of bent plywood. On the edge of the seat is refined with a nice sliding surface that gives a comfortable touch and sitting experience. Y2 stool series comes with mini, classic and bar stool.

Y2 Stool


富饒巧思的手藝,精簡地呈現於座面,在線條比例與座感皆經過細微的調整,使Y2 凳系列能夠精實而仍有雕塑感般融入現代空間中。

A craftsmanship of minimalism

The dedicated handcraft skill can be seen on the top of the stool along with refined detail and proportion that make the design perfect. Y2 stool is a piece of sculpture that fits well in all modern space.  


Choice of Wood for seat

製作天數 : 2.5 個月

Delivery time : 2.5 months

手工曲木 & 實木榫接結構

Handcrafted bent plywood & Traditional joints

Making a Y2 stool, as it were a cup of espresso. Starts from preparing materials, handcrafted bent plywood, shaping, forming, sanding and coating, there are more than 20 making processes. Every step is a practice of woodworking technique that finally condense into every detail on Y2 stool. It seems light and simple but actually tough.

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