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L2U Upholstered Bench




L2U 長凳軟墊款,柔軟舒適之外,保有實木至上的堅持。

Irresistible Beauty of Wood

​Each piece of wood comes with its own appearance and characteristic. You would meet the one for you and welcome it to a new life on your own style. What we do is to take good care of your wood and there's no reason to hide its beauty.

Undoubtedly, L2U bench is designed to have its cushion embraced by the wood instead of a fully covering pad.

Soft in the middle, touch of natural with irreplaceable beauty. 

木種選擇  Choice of Wood

製作天數 : 2.5 個月

Delivery time : 2.5 months

實木結構 & 雙榫榫接
結構看起來簡單,因為我們將複雜的藏起來了。身為座具的長凳,使用2種傳統榫接作為主結構。 主結構1:凳腳連接支撐桿處以全實木、雙榫榫接製作,結構單純而雙倍紮實。主結構2: 長型的三缺榫,連接支撐桿轉彎處,增加膠合面積,並創造更大的受力面積,乘坐穩定感更加提升。

Structure & Joints

It seems simple because we make the complicated unseen. To enhance stability, two traditional joints techniques are used for L2 bench. One is double mortise and tenon joint used between legs and beams: simple structure but super strong. The other is open mortise and tenon joint used at the turning of beams to multiply the strength.   

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