B 是一系列消光釉色處理的容器,我們與位於台灣的陶瓷鎮-鶯歌的陶瓷廠協作,用最安靜的器型,在不影響釉藥呈色的白瓷之上,給美麗的釉表現各自微妙的細節。
2種大小適當的容量:120ml / 330ml。基本的器型,滿足基本需求,比一般的容器矮一些,更穩重。釉色選自大自然的天藍、卵石灰、雪及石黑。 每一種釉色都來自於天然礦物的發色,給予容器各自獨特的質感與細節。適合於輕鬆的下午盛裝點心與飲品享用。
B is a series of porcelain vessels finished with semi-gloss glaze handcrafted by a pottery workshop in Yinge Town, North Taiwan. Made with porcelain to prevent the clay from reacting with each beautiful glaze. This will let each glaze grow its color and detail honestly.
B has enough volume and shaped to be low-profile and steady. Comes in 2 volumes with or without ears and 4 colors selected from the nature: sky blue, pebble grey, snow white and stone Schwarz. Perfect for tapas or any refreshments in an easy afternoon.
B series pottery
白瓷, 天然礦物無毒釉
Porcelain, natural non-toxic glaze
Available with 2 volumes, 3 forms and 4 colors.
L 9.5 x W 7 x H 5.7 cm
TWD 340
L 12.5 x W 9.8 x H 7.8 cm
TWD 750
Dia. 9.8 x H 7.8 cm
TWD 650
*手工上釉,每一只器皿的色澤與流玟都是獨一無二的。Each item is handmade that no one is alike.
*微波爐、烤箱、洗碗機請安心使用。請勿直火 / Microwave-, dishwasher-, oven-safe, not for direct fire.
*SGS食品安全認證 / SGS Food safe certified.