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L1E Table



L1E Table便是其中一種形變,半圓與直線的相遇,四隻桌腳順勢地繞至半圓圓周最適當的位置,兩種幾何線條的結合,仍維持一貫的明快極簡作風。

The coordination of lines and semicircles creates 

gathering and spaciousness.

L Series is designed to easily match your lifestyle and allow you to customise your own shape of table. Thanks to its flexibility, the detail design can be simply adjusted according to the new shape. 

L1E Table is a new way of transformation. The legs are smoothly shifted to the right positions. Still, the table stays looking neat and sleek. 



The serene visual tension

L Series is designed simple and proper without unnecessary lines composed with serene characteristic and visual tension in details. The flowing lines along with its finely designed cut retouched by hand makes the wood stand out and appealingly pleasant. 

木種選擇  Choice of Wood

製作天數 : 2.5 個月

Delivery time : 2.5 months

實木結構 & 雙榫榫接


Structure & Joints

It seems simple because we make the complicated unseen. Main structure are made with traditional joints techniques. Double mortise and tenon joint is used between legs and beams. It looks simple but super strong.

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